Friday, January 31, 2014

Movie Review

Name: Zhang Yining 
Class: Perseverance 1
Date: 01/02/2014
Title: Movie Review

Chong Boon Secondary School
English Department
Movie Review
 Name: Zhang Yining (32)          Class: Perseverance 1             Date: 31/01/2014

Title of movie: Rise of the Guardians

Describe the most exciting/memorable part of the movie. Why do you like it?
 The most memorable part of movie for me is that Jake Frost, Tooth Fairy, Sandy, Easter Bunny and Santa together to defeat the Pitch. The reason I like this part is because I can feel their friendship gather at one unit and to defeat the enemy.

If you could rewrite one part of the movie, which part would it be and why? How would you like to rewrite it?
 The part of the movie that I like to rewrite is that when Sandy and Pitch fighting, Sandy died, because the power of Pitch is stronger and stronger. After Sandy died, the kids began to have the nightmare that is all caused by Pitch. If I rewrite I will write when Sandy and Pitch fighting, Sandy got injured and still keeping protecting the kinds dream at night. That can prove how Sandy love the kids and how much he contribute.

List 3 new words that you have picked up from watching the movie.

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